Dinner hosted by H.E. Masahiro Obata, Ambassador, Embassy of Japan in Jamaica, and his wife, Mrs. Hiroko Obata,

 in honour of the New Executive Board of the Ikebana International St. Andrew Chapter 156

on Friday, November 21, 2008 at their residence. 

Arrangement by the Ikenobo School for the Emperor's Birthday Celebration Reception

held on December 10, 2008 

Official Opening Ceremony of the 2009 Ikebana International St Andrew Chapter 156 Exhibition

At right H.E. Masahiro Obata, Ambassador, Embassy of Japan in Jamaica,

centre - Mrs. Hiroko Obata, Patron for Ikebana International St Andrew Chapter 156 and wife of Ambassador Obata,

and at left, Mrs. L.C. Monteith, President of the Ikebana International St. Andrew Chapter 156. 

Presentation of a small token of appreciation by Dr. Pauline Milbourn Lynch to Mrs. Hiroko Obata, Patron,

on behalf of I.I. St. Andrew Chapter 156 at Offical Opening of 2009 Exhibition 

Photo Shoot for Press Release for 2009 Exhibition at the Residence of our Patron

Left, Mrs. L.C. Monteith, President and Right, Mrs. Hiroko Obata, Patron

Arrangement by Ohara School


 Reception hosted by H.E. Masahiro Obata, Anmbassador, Embassy of Japan and Mrs. Hiroko Obata

for the 2009 Japan and Exchange Teaching (JET) Programme Participaants on July 9, 2009

Arrangement by Sogetsu School

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